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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Empty History

The Propaganda Holidays

Words matter. Nomenclature is unassailably essential to the collective ethos and esprit de corps of a people. The concept “people” should be understood to mean a society, nation state, ethnicity grouping or sectarian set of people. A binding ideology is necessary to function in a cohesive fluid manner. This binding ideology manifests itself as a mediator in conflict resolution in time of dispute among the members or the group. Conversely, it manifests itself as a mitigating technique for the group against other groups or individuals outside the group. This is perhaps most evident with religion doctrine where a shared cosmology is the binding ideology. Within this communal cosmology the universal keystone is the creation myth.

A creation myth details the inception of a people as it pertains to their historical and psychosocial uniqueness. Through this perceived uniqueness the group attains a social mandate which permeates its cultural, economic, mystical, political and psychological characteristics and motivations. A strikingly similar conviction is equally valid of with groups of people on a modern geopolitical terrain, namely, nation states or countries. What happens when it turns nefarious?

When meaningless slogans devoid of context are churned out it then this a form of propaganda. This type of sloganeering is embedded in a sense of false nostalgia. Marxist scholars, especially historians, refer to this propaganda as an invention of tradition which is just a thinly veiled subterfuge to a much starker vile reality. America is the worst offender of control by corporate public relations machines which are obfuscations of their sincere role: propaganda machines fueled, manned and funded by think tanks and lobbyists.

Take for instance, the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. These are hollow and vapid tools of rhetoric. They employ heavy handed insipid terminology like “peace, support our troops, democracy and freedom.” They are utterly vague and meaningless without factual (e.g. empirical) context.

Consider that trillions of dollars are funneled into the Industrial Military Complex to the benefit of a corporate 1% which engorges itself to the detriment of the remaining 99%.The calculated hubris of this manufactured pathos is seen in the futile wars waged to overthrow regimes which are deemed either non-democratic or not democratic enough in the eyes of the Nation State of America. More often than not these regimes are supplanted by lesser democracies which prove to be more problematic than their predecessor. The binding ideology of the nation state, the manifestation of their perceived uniqueness, is powder keg which awaits a spark of conflict. A conflict which is manufactured and mythologized.

If the prevailing invented tradition were not subject to the public relations propaganda machines then maybe other more advantageous and meaningful wars would emerge. Where are the trillions of dollars being poured into the ongoing War on Poverty or the War on Malaria? It is a marketing ploy perpetrated by multimillion dollar corporate snake oil salesmen: the public relations/propaganda machines. The origins of this ideological necrosis in America is most pronounced in the celebration of two invented holidays: Columbus Day and Thanksgiving.

Columbus Day is presented as a benign celebration of the discovery of the Americas by European explorers. This is a segment of the total creation myth of the United States of America. However, Columbus Day actually marks a celebration of the subjugation of cultures and peoples with a unfavorable uniqueness. It is a white washing of repugnant greed and inhumanity. The same is true of the wars on sovereign nations which are marketed to the group (nation state) as less democratic than is viewed by the governing elite as acceptable.

Another invented tradition which also represents a portion of the creation myth is Thanksgiving Day. This holiday is buttressed on the propagandized view of the amiable Native Americans aiding the Western European interlopers through a harsh winter of negligible harvest. This invented tradition obscures the unpleasant truth that what is being celebrated on Thanksgiving is genocide and land theft.

Why then are these horrific celebrations honoring the destruction of peoples and civilizations allowed to continue? Why are the foundations of these mythological traditions not more closely scrutinized for accuracy? Is the US so beholden to these confabulations of tradition by the corporate propaganda machines that to dismantle the ethos would mean reconstruction of a new binding ideology?

Finally, I submit a parallel fable of invented tradition. Would we not cringe at the idea of a thanksgiving where African slaves have gathered in their meager harvest and broke bread with plantation owners? Let's assume that following an abysmally poor harvest after a deadly winter that the white plantation owners of European descent have no or scant food to feed themselves. These African slaves have harvested and cooked grub for years; living and surviving off the land. Subsequently, they ceremoniously invite these white plantation owners (the slave owners), to a feast of bounty. This scenario is ridiculous. The African slaves had nothing to be thankful for just like the Native Americans were not thankful on Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Short History of Vomit: Part 3

A Short History of Vomit: Part 3

 Part 3

How the Ancient and Classical Civilizations deciphered dreams with vomit motifs will probably remain an enigma. Modern dream interpretation,however, is rife with possible explanations for vomit motifs. For example, if vomit is present in your dreams then this could be an insight into your deepest feelings signaling the subconscious need to get rid of something. However, if in your dream you witness a person vomiting, then this might indicate that a relative or a close friend is actually an enemy. Would that be a wretched frenemy or retching kinfolk?

Dreams have always been closely associated with creation myths and the origins of a people. Birth through vomit as a culture is purged into life is a reoccurring theme of particular societies. These cultural groups have exalted vomit beyond the profane and made it a realm of the gods. In Ancient Greek mythology vomit has the distinction of protecting the existence of the some of the major Gods. The story goes, that when Kronos, the youngest of the Titans, revolted against his father, Ouranos, he became the supreme ruler of the cosmos. After his marriage to Rhea, who begat him several Gods, he summarily ate his children. By eating his children Kronos was attempting to bulwark himself against the same trickery he used to usurp his father. This tactic worked until the birth of his last son, Zeus. Rhea, his mother, rushed to hide the child God away on the island of Crete; out of site from his father Kronos. When Zeus felt he was old and capable enough he stood up to his father and compelled him to puke out his siblings Gods: Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon and Hera. More often than not, the denouement of vomit tales is not a joyful birth but an ugly death.

Vomit induced asphyxiation (aspiration pneumonia)is reported by the National Institute of Health to be the cause of death in US of 36,997 people annually as noted on death certificates. The pall of vomit has been cast over pop cultural icons throughout the modern era. Most people might assume that asphyxiation by vomit is the comeuppance of a sybarite's foray into the excesses of humanity like alcohol and drugs. Although this scenario has been the downfall of many hedonistic pop music stars, it will be surprising that it even spills over into the realm of innocuous and unthreatening pop icons. No profession within the pop culture world provokes a “saw that coming” response to a self-indulgent life style like that of the musician.

The pop musician's ethos occupies an artistic landscape of calculated aloof observation and poetic contemplation while simultaneously adhering to a bardic filled life of itinerancy. Rock stars like Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham and AC/DC singer Bon Scott were known to be heavy alcohol drinkers. When it was reported that they had vomited in their sleep due to an evening of heavy binging, no one was truly awestruck. Almost a decade earlier, Jimi Hendrix, the legendary rock guitarist, was rushed to hospital after asphyxiating on barbiturate induced vomit. He died shortly after arriving at hospital. As a musician Tommy Dorsey, trombone playing jazz band leader was an atypical vomit victim. According to coroner's records, before retiring for the night, Dorsey had eaten a big meal and then sedated himself with pharmaceutical sleeping pills. His wife recounted that her husband began choking in his sleep, but because of the severe sedating effect of the sleeping pills, she was unable to wake him as he choked to death.

Hopefully it has been made clearer that vomit elicits a duality which is essential to fully appreciating the precariousness of balance within and outside the body.